
To use Omnivore from Maropost (formerly Neto) you will need to go through our account registration and setup process.  This will take about 5 minutes.  Please follow the steps below including the setup checklist FAQ in the next steps section.  

As part of this setup you are required to complete some steps in Maropost to obtain your API Key, please complete the steps in this Article before proceeding.

The Registration & Setup Process

  1. From the Omnivore Registration page use the New to Omnivore section to insert your email address and click 'register'.
  2.  Enter your Store Name, Currency, Product Feed Type (Maropost), accept the Terms and Conditions and click next.
  3. Before the next step, you will need to log in to Maropost to retrieve your username and access token API details. Have this complete and on hand as you continue.
  4. In this step you will need to enter your website URL, Username and API Access token obtained from Maropost.
  5. Once you have added these details click Next.
  6. The next step is where you select a marketplace.   You won't connect Omnivore to your actual Marketplace Store straight away, you will just add that marketplace into Omnivore and proceed into Marketplace Setup Mode.
  7. Once you select and add your marketplace of choice and click next you will be taken to the Omnivore Dashboard.
  8. Using the below screen capture this Omnivore Account has selected the Catch Marketplace and they are now in Setup Mode for Catch, the next step would be for them to retrieve their Catch API and add it into Omnivore.

Next Steps & Required Reading

The FAQ's below cover the setup steps that are required in order for us to list your Maropost products on your chosen marketplace.  The first install step is complete, now the actual Omnivore setup begins.  Each Marketplace has unique setup requirements.

See All of our Setup Checklists here.

Certain requirements apply to all marketplaces such as:

If you require any assistance from our Integration and Support team please raise a ticket here and we can assist.

As mentioned in this FAQ we also offer Integration Packages.

To Access Your Omnivore Account

To log back in to Omnivore you can return to the Registration Page URL and enter your email address and password that you created at the time of registration.  

Please follow this FAQ as a guide to access Omnivore.