Specialised & Assisted Integration Setup

Please note: This applies to Retailers using our apps/extensions for Shopify, Magento 1, Magento 2, WooCommerce, BigCommerce and Manual CSV Upload. Any Enterprise or Custom Integration Retailers are supported and quoted separately.

Assisted Integration and Onboarding Specialist Support Package (optional)

Learning new Marketplaces can be tricky but ultimately rewarding when you increase your sales. If you are time-poor, find new systems overwhelming, or just want specialist help we can provide an assisted setup. 

This service includes:

  1. A dedicated Marketplace Specialist to assist you through the initial setup, starting to sell, and through to the end of the first month of trading. Support is provided via email, and online meetings using Zoom to screen-share.
  2. Assist with connecting your eCommerce platform to Omnivore
  3. Set up key marketplace settings such as shipping
  4. Linking existing listings (eBay) where possible
  5. Product Optimisation; tailoring your product data to the marketplace e.g. Product Titles
  6. Listing or blocking products - assigning marketplace categories, blocking products, 2 hours of effort is provided as part of your onboarding package, and additional category mapping is charged at $50/hour (ex GST). 
  7. Product merchandising such as bundling
  8. How to use/set up promotional and merchandising features e.g. promotions or promoted listings
  9. End-to-end order testing 
  10. Implement a product listing template (provided the template code meets Omnivore requirements) – eBay only.
  11. A 30-minute training session on how to use Omnivore


  • Shopify: USD$450 for the first marketplace, USD$200 for each additional marketplace
  • BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, Maropost AUD$600 for the first marketplace, AUD$300 for each additional marketplace 
  • If you use WooCommerce or Magento and we identify an issue that requires a Developer (e.g connection or data issues) and the cause is your eCommerce platform then there is an additional charge of $250/hour.
  • Note all prices are ex GST
  • Note that you will also be charged an ongoing monthly according to the respective e-commerce platform Omnivore plan -

You will need:

  • A Marketplace Seller account for each marketplace you want to sell on. If you don’t have an account we can either introduce you (depending on the marketplace) or direct you to where to apply
  • To set up your Marketplace storefront i.e eBay Store

Please note the following conditions before starting:

  • A successful integration still requires commitment from you. No guarantee is made on how long it will take to get your Marketplace set up completed since several steps still rely on you. If you have everything ready, it can usually be done in a few days
  • You know your products better than anyone can so if there are set-up related actions that require knowledge of your products you will need to complete them
  • We do not get involved with your eCommerce platform so any changes required here are your responsibility. We can provide recommendations e.g. how to structure your data for best results but we will not login to or make changes to your eCommerce platform configuration
  • We can screen-share with you to make changes to your marketplace admin if required (e.g. to set up eBay business policies)
  • For multi-marketplace integrations, we focus on setting up one marketplace first before moving on to the next

Overview of Support

The quickest and most effective type of support we offer is through our Email Ticketing System.   We aim to provide the best support we can. All requests are reviewed within 24 hours and prioritised according to urgency.

You can submit an email/ticket Here.

You can also reach out via phone, if one of our support specialists are not able to take your call please leave a message as this creates a new case so we can contact you.

Points to speed up the process:

  1. Please provide as much detail about the problem as possible.
  2. Please provide direct links to orders or products.
  3. Please provide screenshots showing errors.
  4. Please specify any recent changes in your own system that you think may have caused an issue.

Regarding onboarding, Omnivore has been designed so that Retailers can set themselves up. If you need general assistance or have technical issues with our platform, we provide support here in our Support Centre - there are a range of support articles and checklists that will guide you or you can submit a request to our Support team for assistance.  

Contacting the Support Team

As mentioned the most effective way to contact our support team is to submit a ticket Here.

Our support hours are Monday- Friday 8am-6pm.  We do not provide support on Saturday and Sunday.

Emergency tickets are monitored and responded to on the weekends.

General Support Including Additional Costs

Your support-related requests/problems can usually be attributed to either Omnivore, the Marketplace, or your own eCommerce Platform. If the source of the issue is from:

  • Omnivore – we will do our best to fix it and resolve your support request.
  • The Marketplace (e.g. eBay) – we will make our best efforts to either resolve the issue through our integration or work with the Marketplace on a resolution. 
  • Your own eCommerce platform/backend systems – you are responsible for your platform and systems. If we identify that the source of the issue is on your end you will need to do your best to fix it. If the issue requires more than 3 hours of technical support from us, we may need to charge an hourly rate to fix it. Examples of this include (but are not limited to):
    • Your data doesn’t meet marketplace requirements. 
    • Supporting customisations that you have made to your platform(s). 
    • Connectivity to your eCommerce platform.
    • Issues caused by other apps/plugins/systems that connect to your eCommerce platform.

We try to keep our rates to a minimum to cover costs – if a Developer is required the hourly rate is $250, and Technical or Onboarding Support is $120/hour.  Please note:

  • We are not able to make changes to your eCommerce platforms or your marketplace accounts. We make use of online meetings with screen-share to get around this.
  • We will let you know up front and get approval before we do any work that is paid for.
  • All prices are ex GST.