
Sometimes not all products will list on the Catch Marketplace.  Products that will not list successfully will appear in Omnivore with a listing error and/or warning under the 'have listing errors' section.  Listing errors are in yellow and warnings are in blue.

Error List

The table below provides the most common errors and how you can resolve them.  After perusing these errors please also consider the New Catch Errors.

ErrorProblemHow to resolve

Validation error = Skipping: Duplicate Identifier UPC/93117012XXX

Two products from your eCommerce store have the same UPC.

Edit your product data in your e-commerce store then start a full sync by clicking 'Import from..' on the dashboard in Omnivore.

Existing product variant structure differs; cannot update.This error usually occurs when a variation product is listed and approved, and then the variation structure changes (e.g. colour and size changes to just colour).Catch does not support changing variant details once a product is approved. You need to delete the product in your Catch seller portal so that it can be listed again correctly.
Validation error = Skus with same variant ID belong to different existing products.


Validation error = You can't update product XXXXX from Single to Attribute type.
These errors occur if the existing variation structure of the product is different from what is being imported. Once a product is approved, the variation structure cannot be modified unless the old product data is wiped.Further details on these errors can be found here.
Product status update is still processing, waiting for a response. Please check again in 2-3 hours.Omnivore has not yet had a complete response from Catch.

The product is still being processed. Please check again in approximately 3 hours.
Validation error = The product linked to the new offer is different from the product linked to an old offer which has the same shop id


Validation error = The product linked to the new offer is different from the product linked to the existing offer.
These are similar issues that Catch are aware of and trying to resolve. In the meantime, you can delete the offer from within your Catch account and relist from  Omnivore.

You will need to delete the offer in Catch, then wait 48 hours before you can re-list the product.

1. Block product in Omnivore. Go to Products - On Catch.

2. Delete the offer in Catch from Catch Marketplace admin 

3. Wait 48 hours. 

4. Unblock the product in Omnivore.

Internal ErrorIt is not clear what the error received from Catch is.Contact your Catch Account Manager
Pending ApprovalAll products on Catch require approval by Catch before they will list.Further details on the approval process can be found here.
Validation error = Reference type UPC with value "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" is invalid.The UPC is not correct e.g. too many numbers.

Edit your product data in your e-commerce store then start a full sync by clicking 'Import from..' on the dashboard in Omnivore. You can check GTIN data here

Validation error = price is too smallYour products must be a minimum of $1 to list on Catch.Increase the price of your products in your e-commerce store to $1 or more.
Validation error = No images specified. Please ensure images meet the minimum size requirements of 600x600Your images do not meet Catch standards.Check that your images are the required size and that the image URLs are valid and have no errors. 
Validation error = 1004|The category could not be identified
Catch validation error: 1001|The category xxxxx is unknown
Mapping configurations have been done directly in your Catch seller account which are not compatible with a direct integration. This has broken the category connection at Catch.You will need to remove these from your Catch seller account

under My Account->Mapping Configuration.

Please make sure all mappings are removed. When that has been done, go back into Omnivore/Catchfeeder and hit the "Upload to Catch" button.

Catch validation warning: Product not writable by seller, forbidding update.

The original Catch product data was created by a different retailer.  Catch will not allow other sellers to update a different retailer's data. You cannot update this products description, title or images on Catch.

You need to contact Catch [email protected] to request that you can update the data on the listing.
Catch validation error: 1000|The attribute 'compliance-sunglasses' (Compliance Sunglasses) is requiredThe affected products require the compliance-sunglasses marketplace attribute to be set.

Go to Products > On Catch > Navigate to the 'Catch Keywords' tab > search for your product/s > select the appropriate rating from the Compliance Sunglasses dropdown list. See this Catch document

Catch validation error: 1000|The attribute 'compliance-sleepwear' (Compliance Sleepwear) is requiredThe affected products require the compliance-sunglasses marketplace attribute to be set.Go to Products > On Catch > Navigate to the 'Catch Keywords' tab > search for your product/s > select the appropriate rating from the Compliance Sleepwear dropdown list. See this Catch document
1005|The catalog category electronics & appliances > phones > mobile phone accessories must be mapped to a leaf operator catalog categoryOver time the categories in Catch may change and what was once a valid category becomes invalid.

You will need to re-map the categories to a new relevant category and run an Upload to Catch.  Once that is complete the error will no longer appear.

Catch validation error: 1000|The attribute 'variant-id' (Variant ID) is requiredIf the product has a variant type that is not SIZE this error can occur.Please read this FAQ here which explains how we handle these variation types, note the specific information about which Catch Categories apply.

Validation Warning: Product does not exist.

There is an error with the product in Mirakl which means an offer cannot be completed.

This error can happen on a product with variants and without variants.

If you see it on a product variations the error may only apply to some of the variants but not others.

Therefore some variants may be listed, some may not due to this error.
The advice below only applies to standalone non-variant type products.

The product is not available to create an offer within Catch/Mirakl. Either it needs approval by Catch, or has been specifically not-approved for a specific reason.

This means that the product can be either:

Pending approval - the Catch curation team will approve/reject the product within 5 business days from when it was submitted


Rejected - the curation team rejected the product. Sellers can review their rejected listing report via their Catch Partner Portal :

The rejected listing report in Catch will specify more succinct and actual errors that apply to that SKU.

If after this timeframe (5 business days) the product is not live and not available on the rejected report, the seller should contact the Seller Support team via [email protected] and provide the relevant SKU, identifier (UPC, EAN or MPN), and product name so they can investigate why the offer is not live.

If you can see this error on a product with Variations please also check the rejected report and Catch and also consider information in this FAQ here.

Catch Image Validation Errors

Catch Marketplace has specific image requirements and if not applied this will lead to products not listing.

We recommend following this FAQ in the Catch Portal to find the specific Image Error.

NOTICE6 | Variant ID already exists in our system with a different variant product data

This message on the product page in Omnivore is a warning message. The product is most likely listed but has warnings from Catch Marketplace.

The warning message will appear when we upload a product to an existing listings on Catch. The existing listing on Catch is mostly likely owned by another seller on Catch and your variant structure does not match the existing variant structure that Catch has. We can create an offer against the existing product on Catch, hence it is listings, but we cannot update the data because the data is owned by another seller.

Catch validation error 2006|The attribute 'gender' (Gender) is not in the possible values set in the value list.

You  may see this error for other attributes that are not gender. This is a generic error type if Catch sees something not on its values list.  

This error may occur if you have a variant type called 'Gender' and Catch is not accepting that variant type. By default Catch accept size and colour.

Our suggestion is to read this FAQ, specifically the heading Marketplace Attribute Mapping.

This is the 6th section in the article. Please have a read and as explained reach out to us so we can apply the necessary data for you.

Once we add that variant attribute data into Omnivore Catch will be able to see Gender in the feed.

NOTICE 2 | Variant product already exists in our system with a different structure. Please contact support

This error means that the product may have been listed with a size or colour variant or just a colour variant, and then a variant type has been added or removed to the product in your eCommerce Store so Catch detect a variant structure change which they cannot handle.


Other Relevant Reading

New Catch Listing Errors

Catch Marketplace Errors FAQ

Product does not exist error for product with Variations