
Kogan has a Kogan NZ marketplace that enables you to sell your products to NZ customers at and

The implementation of Kogan NZ is a scaled-back config of a regular marketplace in Omnivore as such there are a few limitations around listing on Kogan NZ and not all Omnivore features are supported. 

  • Omnivore will use your Kogan AU product data e.g. title, description, and images for NZ listings.
  • Whatever product title you have for your Kogan AU listings is what will be used for Kogan NZ. 
  • Blocking images, excluding products etc. on AU will do the same on NZ.

Set up checklist

Please follow the set-up checklist below.  It covers how your pricing in NZD will work, and importantly how to set up shipping for Kogan NZ.

  1. Kogan will need to enable Kogan NZ for you on your Kogan selling account.
  2. In Omnivore to enable Kogan NZ go to Settings - Kogan - General. In the Kogan NZ section check the box Enable Kogan NZ.  NB: If you ONLY want to sell on Kogan NZ, please uncheck Kogan AU.

  3. If you are NOT a New Zealand-based seller, tick the box to add an extra line to every order address for Kogan NZ orders, ensuring all orders are identified as GST Paid upon arrival in NZ. If you are an NZ-based seller, this step is not necessary.

  4. Check your pricing - see NZ Pricing below.
  5. Set up your shipping - see Shipping to NZ below.

Choosing which products to list on Kogan NZ

  • By default products under NZD$1000 listed on Kogan AU are listed on Kogan NZ.
  • If you wish to list products over NZD$1000 on Kogan NZ check the box under Settings - Kogan - General - Kogan NZ. NB: For products over NZD$1000 you are responsible for remitting GST to the NZ Govt.

  • If there are particular products you DO NOT want listed on Kogan NZ then the only way to exclude them from Kogan NZ is to set up your shipping policies in a certain way (see below). If Omnivore doesn't have a shipping policy for Kogan NZ then the product won't list on Kogan NZ. 
  • The normal blocking/excluding features won't work for Kogan NZ. If you block a product on Kogan AU, it will be blocked from Kogan NZ.

Pricing - Tax - Currency Settings

  • If the default currency of your eCommerce store in Omnivore is NOT NZD, Omnivore will convert the excl GST/tax price to NZD using the default daily exchange rate. 
    • If the amount is less than NZD$1000, Kogan will add 15% GST to the price and collect GST and remit the GST to the NZ Govt on your behalf
    • If the amount is greater than NZD$1000, Omnivore will add 15% GST to the price and YOU (the seller) must remit the GST to the NZ Govt
  • To use a different exchange rate, in Omnivore go to 'Settings - Currencies' and setup a Custom Currency from AUD to NZD.
  • If the default currency in your eCommerce store in Omnivore is NZD, Omnivore will display the price in Omnivore as NZD and AUD.  The same rules mentioned above about tax and GST apply.  You may want to consider setting a custom currency rate in Omnivore, maybe one that is 1:1.

Pricing conversion example for products UNDER $1,000:

Product Price: 19.95

AUD -> NZD exchange rate: 1.103

Product pricing in Omnivore includes AUD GST.

19.95/1.1 = 18.136 - remove the AUD GST portion

18.136*1.103 = 20.004 - Convert to NZD using the current conversion rate or your specified fixed rate

20.004*1.15 = 23.00 - Add NZ GST.

So in the above example, the price for the product listed on Kogan NZ will be $23 NZD

Tax calculations in orders: When applying tax calculations to a Kogan order we take the country of the order (Kogan AU or Kogan NZ), rather than the country of the Marketplace (always AU). So a Kogan AU order should always calculate tax as 10% and a Kogan NZ order should always calculate tax as 15%.

Shipping on Kogan NZ

You must set up shipping policies for Kogan NZ.  Note:  There are very specific steps for Kogan NZ Shipping, please check which scenario below applies to you.

Scenario 1:  Only listing on Kogan NZ

  1. Read the setup checklist section above to ensure you have NZ ticked and AU unticked.
  2. In Omnivore navigate to Settings - Kogan - Shipping and click the Add new shipping policies button.  For this scenario, you only need a default policy that does not use a product group.
  3. Select NZ in the Kogan Site dropdown menu.
  4. Add your policy name of choice.
  5. Choose Shipping Type from free, flat per unit, or custom shipping.
  6. Define your handling days and add your $ value amount for shipping.
  7. Click update.
  8. See screen captures below as a guide.

Scenario 2:  Listing on Kogan AU and all products also on Kogan NZ

  1. Ensure both Kogan NZ and Kogan AU are ticked on the Settings - Kogan - General page.
  2. Go to Settings - Kogan - Shipping.
  3. Click the Add New Shipping Policies button.
  4. Select 'NZ' from the Kogan Site drop-down field and complete all of the fields in the new policy window.
  5. Add a new shipping policy again and select AU in the Kogan Site drop-down field. Complete all of the fields in the AU new policy.
  6. Note that your Kogan NZ and AU shipping policy names must match exactly.
  7. When completed correctly you will have one default policy with two shipping name entries applied, one for NZ and one for AU. 
  8. In the screenshot below we are also showing a shipping policy connected to an NZ Heavy Group. If you did also want a group of products to have a specific shipping policy like this, the policy will also need an AU and NZ entry as below.

Scenario 3:  Listing on Kogan AU and only SOME products on Kogan NZ

  1. Ensure both Kogan NZ and AU are ticked on the Settings - Kogan - General page.
  2. Create a Product Group called Kogan NZ and apply the products you want to be listed on Kogan NZ to that Product Group.  See group setup instructions.
  3. In Omnivore navigate to Settings - Kogan - Shipping and click the Add new shipping policies button.  
  4. For this scenario, you only need NZ policies that are assigned to your new product groups.
  5. Continue to complete the new policy steps using NZ as the Kogan site.
  6. For this scenario see the screen capture below as a guide.

If you are unsure or need assistance with shipping setup please contact support.