Before you start you will require a Microsoft ads account - Overview - Microsoft Advertising

Sign up for a Microsoft Advertising account  

More information about how the Microsoft Shopping Campaign feed files operate can be found here:

About Microsoft Shopping Campaigns feed files 

Find your Bing product feed URL in Omnivore

In Omnivore, Go to Settings - Bing - General

Copy the Bing Product Feed URL as shown below:

Create the Feed in the Microsoft Merchant Center

  • Go to the Microsoft Merchant Center and Log in to your account
  • From the top menu, select Tools > Microsoft Merchant Center
  • Select the store name and then the Feeds tab.
  • Choose the feed name you wish to edit.
  • Select Create Feed.

  • Fill in the Feed Name as Omnivore Feed or some other name relevant to you
  • Select Online Product as the Feed Type
  • Select Australia for Country of Sale
  • Language should be English for Australian feeds

  • Under Feed file, select the Input Method as Automatically download file from URL.

You may use this option if the feed file is smaller than 1GB and on a publicly accessible server. The feed file will be downloaded once every 24 hours.

  • Enter the URL (obtained from Omnivore in the previous step) into the Source URL field.
  • Select Create Feed.