
Handling time (also known as production time or Lead Time to Ship) is the time between when the buyer places the order until you hand the order over to your carrier. Handling time is part of the delivery time calculation displayed on the offer listing and checkout page.

In Omnivore this is called Fulfillment Latency.

Total delivery time = handling time + transit time (+ any weekends and public holidays in Australia)

Default handling time is the handling time set at the account level in Omnivore and applies to all your products. By default, Amazon allows 1-2 days for you to ship your orders.  If you need to extend the handling time, you can do this in Omnivore.

You can also now set Handling Time aka Fulfillment Latency for Amazon at the Product Level using an Attribute in Omnivore.

Amazon also require that you setup Transit Time, steps to go this  can be viewed in this Amazon FAQ.

Set a longer Handling Time in Omnivore (Site Wide)

  1. In Omnivore, go to 'Settings - Amazon Australia - General'
  2. Go to the Your Products section and in the field Fulfillment Latency enter the number of days you require for handling time.
  3. Click 'Update Settings' 
  4. Go to the Dashboard and click 'Upload to Amazon

Set Handling Time (Product Level)

  1. Log into Omnivore and navigate to Products - Amazon - Marketplace Attributes.
  2. Scroll across using the lateral slider to find the Fulfillment Latency heading.
  3. Add a number ONLY into that field, so 5 would be 5 days.  Do not add '5 days'.  This value must be numeric only.
  4. Whatever number is added in this attribute field for that product will over ride any site wide setting just for that product.
  5. For Shopify and Magento you can also import and map this field in Omnivore under Feeds - Map Fields.  You will need to create the attribute/metafield in your eCommerce Store first.