
Kogan require registered and valid barcodes for all branded goods listed on the Kogan Marketplace. If they are not provided Kogan may reject new listings and remove existing ones. This FAQ discusses what you should do to meet the requirements.

How to meet requirements

If you provide Omnivore with a GTIN/UPC then we will provide it to Kogan with all other product data such as Price, Title, Description etc. If you don't have a GTIN/UPC then please add it to the product in your ecommerce and Omnivore will import the data and provide to Kogan.

You may be eligible for an exemption if you sell the following:

  • Multi-packs or bundled products
  • Refurbished goods
  • Non-branded generic goods
  • Private label goods

For more information, please see this Kogan article - Product GTINs and UPCs.

You can check GTIN existence here