
Marking an Order as Refunded in Omnivore does NOT refund the order in My Deal or your platform. 

The 'Mark as Refunded' option for an order in Omnivore will stop any updates being made to the order in Omnivore, your eCommerce platform or MyDeal. 

Cancelling/Refunding an order in your eCommerce store will NOT refund the buyer. The refund/cancellation must be done directly within the MyDeal Seller Portal.

Steps and How To

To refund an order, please follow the following guidelines:

  1. How to cancel and refund the order in My Deal:
  2. Cancel the order in your eCommerce Store
  3. How to mark the order as 'Refunded' in Omnivore

Cancel & Refund Order in My Deal

If you need to cancel an order or provide a refund to a customer for any reason you can use the Issue Refund feature available in your MyDeal Seller Portal.


  1. Log in to your My Deal Seller Portal
  2. Find the order you would like to refund.

    Orders can be located by searching the order number using the search box on the Seller Portal Homepage, via the deal's Client List page, Client List: All Customer List page available through the My Deals tab, or the Order details page

  3. Click the ‘Actions’ dropdown button in the order row


  4. Click ‘Issue Refund

    The Issue Refund page will open, displaying the order details. This will include:

    • The available amount that can be refunded
    • The amount that has already been refunded to date


  5. In the Refund Amount column edit the values to the amount you want to refund back to the customer.
    • The Item and Shipping amounts must be entered separately. By default, these values will be displayed as the amount that is available to refund.
    • If there is no amount available to refund then the field will be disabled and shown as grey with '0.00'
    • If you only want to refund the item then ensure to edit any available shipping amount to '0.00' (or vice-versa if you are only refunding shipping).
    • The Total Refund Amount is the amount the customer receives


  6. Select a refund ‘Reason’ from the dropdown (required).

    NOTE: My Deal will monitor the refund reasons so it is very important that you select the most appropriate refund reason for reporting.


  7. Enter a ‘Refund Note’. This is optional and only viewable to you and My Deal.
  8. By default 'Send notification to buyer' is ticked which means the customer will receive an email to notify them of the refund. You can also choose to include a note for the buyer to explain why you are refunding.


  9. Once you are ready to submit the refund click the ‘Refund $’ button. This will show the total amount you are refunding.


  • Once the refund has been submitted, a green notification pop-up will advise ‘Refund successfully submitted'.
  • If an order is fully refunded (including shipping if applicable) prior to dispatch then the order will be automatically put ‘On Hold’ and removed from your pending order list
  • If the order has an Addon payment (Additional freight, redelivery, spare parts), which you need to refund, please see the instructions HERE
  • A refund usually takes 3 to 5 business days to be credited back to your customer via their original payment method

Cancel Order in your eCommerce Store

Canceling the order in your eCommerce store will NOT refund the buyer. 

As Omnivore does not handle or send the actual payments for My Deal orders to your eCommerce store it is not possible to refund directly from there.

The cancellation in your eCommerce store is purely done for accounting/inventory/reporting purposes if desired.

The cancellation process will vary depending on what eCommerce platform you are using.

Mark Order Refunded in Omnivore

Go to Omnivore

Go to "Orders" in the left-hand navigation and click "All Orders"

Find the order that you have refunded and click through to the page in Omnivore that holds the order information

Click 'Mark as refunded'