
  • This article shows how certain Magento Tax settings and Omnivore settings work together to achieve the desired result for tax handling.  Please read the article entirely before changing any of your settings.
  • This article also covers general tax setup including this Validation Error that Magento sellers may see on their products in Omnivore:  GST component is too big for price

Tax Settings

Tax handling is an important part of selling on Multi Marketplace especially if the Markets are not in Australia.. E.g. Trade Me, TheMarket, Onceit and Kogan NZ.

Several settings at the Marketplace Level have to be considered:

  • Price entered with tax checkbox in Screenshot 1
  • Non taxable classes values in Screenshot 2
  • Products are taxable checkbox in Screenshot 3

These must be set and checked by the sellers, for Magento currently these settings cannot be retrieved automatically by Omnivore and the defaults are geared towards Australian sellers.

Also see below for suggested settings in Magento.  If you are seeing the above mentioned validation error please pay particular attention to screen shot 1 and 2.

Screenshot 1: Settings - Administration -> Product Import -> Price Entered With Tax checkbox 

Screenshot 2: Settings - Magento Feeds - General - Under Products Import - Non Taxable Classes input field

The value or values entered in this field must be determined as explained here in this article: Magento Suggested Settings for Australian Retailers in the Sales -> Tax -> Product Tax Classes section at the bottom of the page. 

Screenshot 3: Settings - Marketplace Name  -  General -> Products Are Taxable checkbox

More Important Reading

Related internal links

Tax and currency exchange

External links

GST in Australia

GST in New Zealand


GST calculator Australia

GST calculator New Zealand

VAT calculator UK