This depends on the number of products you have.
The Anchor store subscription is currently $549.95/month but has up to 250,000 fixed price listings included and a lower final value fees than a Featured Store. A Featured store is currently $54.95/month but it is limited to 1500 listings.
A Basic Store is $24.95 a month and includes up to 600 fixed price listings but Final Value Fees are slightly higher than a Featured Store.
So if you have less than 1500 products to list (not including variations of a product i.e size or colour), you are more suited to the Featured store.
However, if you have more than 1500 products but don't want to pay for an Anchor Store, you can decide to only list some of your products. We recommend that you only list your top selling items, that way you don't need to list your full product set and pay for an anchor store.
More information is available on running an eBay store can be found here in the eBay Seller Centre
Information about Store Fees can be found here in the eBay Seller Centre