
The setup guide will explain how to: 

  1. Obtain the necessary API information from the Seller Central area for your Iconic Store.
  2. Add this into Omnivore  to authorise the connection.
  3. Test the new connection.

Note, before you begin it will help if you are logged in to both your Iconic Seller Central Account and Omnivore.  You will need to access the two systems at the same to to complete this process.

Setup Steps in The Iconic - Add Application

  1. From within your Iconic Seller Central account you will need to refer to the steps in this article as a primary guide.
  2. When you get to step 4 - Add Application - follow the steps provided and name the Application Omnivore.
  3. Continue to follow the steps provided in the guide above and when you get to step 6 copy the Application ID and Application Secret that will now be visible to you.
  4. Keep the copied ID and Secret for the next steps within Omnivore

Setup Steps in Omnivore - Add Credentials

  1. In Omnivore navigate to Settings - The Iconic - General.  Here you will add the Application ID and Secret into the relevant fields.
  2. Paste the information into each field, check its correct, check there are no leading spaces or spaces at the end.
  3. Tick the first option to ensure that you Connect to the Iconic Production Environment.
  4. Scroll down and click Update Settings on that page.
  5. This completes the authorisation process.

Testing The Connection

  1. After you have completed the setup steps and clicked Update Settings you can click Test Connection which should return a success message at the top of the page.
  2. If the test connection is not successful re-add your credentials (App ID and App Secret) and test again.
  3. If you still cannot connect contact our Support Team so we can check for you.