If you use Magento Grouped products you will need to check the Grouped Product settings in Omnivore at Settings-Magento Feed - General.

Scroll down to the Grouped Products section

Use the Group Price for a product if available

If you have set a Price in any Grouped product in Magento in the Advanced Pricing section you will need to make sure the Use the Group Price for a product if available is ticked.

If all your grouped products are individually priced and you want those prices to be used please leave this tickbox blank

Import grouped products as

You have 3 different options to choose from as to how Omnivore will import and use your Grouped products

  • Grouped to Single Variants - Omnivore will import all your Grouped products as individual stand-alone simple/single products.
  • Grouped to multivariant - Omnivore will import all your Grouped products and treat them as if they are a Configurable/Multivariant product in Omnivore.
  • Grouped to Single Variants even invisible - Omnivore will import all your Grouped products as individual simple products even if their Magento visibility is set to "Not Visible Individually".