A common error that you see from Amazon is the validation error:

SKU does not match any ASIN and the product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation.; You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list

What is an Amazon ASIN?

ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Number - This is the auto-assigned number created by Amazon when a listing is first created. This number cannot be changed and is not a GTIN

GTIN's explained

GTINs are unique identifiers used internationally to store and locate product information. GTIN is a generic term for all major barcode types. UPC, EAN, and ISBN numbers are examples of GTINs, which vary in length depending on the product type.

Amazon requires all listed products without an Amazon GTIN exemption to have a GS1 registered barcode. GS1 stands for Global Standards 1 and GS1 is the only legitimate place to purchase a UPC code to use on Amazon. If you have purchased your UPC codes from a private reseller there is a high chance they will be rejected by Amazon.

  • UPC - aka UPC-12 or UPC-A Universal Product Code = Amazon is expecting a 12 digit number.
  • EAN - aka EAN-13- European Article Number = Amazon is expecting a 13 digit number. 
  • ISBN - Amazon is expecting which stands for international standard book number, ISBN's have either 10 or 13 digits
  • JAN - (Japanese Article Number): 13 digits - EAN-13 specifically for Japan (unusual to be used by Australian based retailer
  • GTIN-14 - This type of GTIN is found on products that are sold in multipacks, often found on the outside of shipping boxes, for example. The GTIN-14 is used on general distribution trade items – that is, items that are not intended for sale to the consumer at Point-of-Sale.
  • You can check GTIN existence here

NOTE: Amazon only has 13 spaces for GTIN identifiers so GTIN-14 identifiers will not be accepted by Amazon.

UPC example 

EAN example

GTIN-14 Example

Listing with No UPC's

If you sell an unbranded or your own branded product, you may be eligible for the GTIN exemption, meaning you do not need a UPC to list the product on Amazon. You can apply for a GTIN exemption directly with Amazon but approval will depend on the brand you want to sell or the category/s you want to sell in. 

To see more about how you can apply for a GTIN exemption with Amazon Australia please see this Omnivore Article for more information.