Note: You CANNOT refund an order via Shopify, Bigcommerce or Omnivore as all payments are handled by the Market, not your website or Omnivore.

Unfortunately, TheMarket orders cannot be refunded via Omnivore or your eCommerce Store.

To refund an order, you must do so by logging into your TheMarket seller account.

For instructions on how to cancel an order, and refund the customer please see go to your the Market seller account

You will find full details on the refund process here on The Market Support portal.

To prevent further notifications about the order you should then mark the order as refunded in Omnivore from the order page. In Omnivore go to Orders->All Orders and search for the order. Once you have found the order click on View to the right of the order then "Mark as Refunded"

If the order was sent to your eCommerce Store you will need to manually cancel it there to.

Our system does NOT auto-update orders from the TheMarket that have been marked as cancelled or refunded, it is a manual process to update the order in Omnivore and your Store as per above.