When adding or updating listings on My Deal you may occasionally see listing errors or warnings sent back from My Deal.

The table below lists the most common errors/warning messages from My Deal, and what you can do to resolve them to ensure any affected product(s) are listed successfully on My Deal.


validation error = Pending activation in marketplace
MyDeal needs to activate or approve your products. Please contact your MyDeal account manager.
ProductFailedDataValidation: Buyable product SKU should match to ProductGroup SKU for a standalone product or Options should be available for a variation.You have a product on your website that has been set up as a variation but only has one option/variant 
Failed to build MyDeal update, reason: Cannot get property 'shippingService' on null object
This error occurs if there is a space on the end of the Shipping Policy Name in Omnivore.  Go into Settings, My Deal Shipping in Omnivore and edit the policy to check if there is a space at the end of the policy name.  If there is remove the space, hit Update and the click Upload to My Deal to push the changes to the market.