List Orders
As a Retailer, retrieve all orders:
Http Method: GET
Endpoint Url: /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/orders/list
Note: Marketplaces do not have access to this API Endpoint.
Example request:
curl -H "X-OMNIVORE-CLIENT-ID: clientidvalue" -H "X-OMNIVORE-CLIENT-SECRET: clientsecretvalue" ""
Example response:
"retailer": {
"code": "example",
"name": "Example Store",
"currency": "AUD"
"total_count": 1,
"current_count": 1,
"sort": "created",
"order": "desc",
"offset": 0,
"max": 1,
"orders": [
"marketplace_code": "ebay",
"id": 10001,
"order_number": "1234567890123-1234567890123",
"alt_order_number": "12-34567-89012",
"retailer_order_id": 0,
"retailer_order_number": null,
"status": "created",
"total_price": {
"with_tax": "27.50",
"without_tax": "25.00",
"tax": "2.50",
"currency": "AUD"
"additional_fee": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "AUD"
"additional_tax": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "AUD"
"customer": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "[email protected]"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"line1": "123 Beach St",
"line2": "",
"city": "Sydney",
"state": "NSW",
"postcode": "200",
"phone": "0412345678",
"country_name": "Australia",
"country_code": "AU"
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"line1": "123 Beach St",
"line2": "",
"city": "Sydney",
"state": "NSW",
"postcode": "200",
"phone": "0412345678",
"country_name": "Australia",
"country_code": "AU"
"shipping": {
"price": {
"with_tax": "5.50",
"without_tax": "5.00",
"tax": "0.50",
"currency": "AUD"
"carrier": "Australia Post",
"method": "AU_StandardDelivery",
"tracking_code": "1234567890"
"line_items": [
"id": 20001,
"product_sku": "TEST1",
"variant_sku": "TEST1",
"marketplace_sku": "TEST1-TEST1",
"name": "Test 1 Example Product",
"unit_price": {
"with_tax": "11.00",
"tax": "1.00",
"currency": "AUD"
"quantity": 2
"transactions": [
"type": "paypal",
"transaction_id": "AJW355674658310",
"buyer": "goodfella123",
"amount": "16.50",
"currency": "AUD"
"customer_message": "If nobody is home, please leave at fromt door",
"created": "2019-12-01T01:02:03+0000",
"updated": "2019-12-01T01:02:03+0000",
"created_in_marketplace": "2019-12-01T01:00:00+0000"
List Marketplace Orders
As a Retailer or a Marketplace, retrieve all orders for the given Marketplace:
Http Method: GET
Endpoit Url: /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/marketplace/$marketplaceCode/orders/list
Example request:
curl -H "X-OMNIVORE-CLIENT-ID: clientidvalue" -H "X-OMNIVORE-CLIENT-SECRET: clientsecretvalue" ""
Example response:
"retailer": {
"code": "example",
"name": "Examples",
"currency": "AUD"
"marketplace": {
"code": "ebay",
"name": "eBay Australia",
"currency": "AUD",
"integration_status": "active"
"total_count": 1,
"current_count": 1,
"sort": "created",
"order": "desc",
"offset": 0,
"max": 1,
"orders": [
### order data ###
The response format is similar, except it has a header section explicitly stating the Marketplace and the integration status.
Parameters for the List Order API
All parameters are optional
max type example details
Parameter Name | Type | Example | Details |
max | Integer | ?max=20 | How many Orders in the response. Default value is 100, maximum value is 100. |
offset | Integer | &offset=5 | Where to start returning Order records. Default value is 0. |
order_number | String | &order_number=12345-67890 | The order number as created in the Marketplace. There is no default value. This call return one single Order if the order number is found or zero if it's not found. |
status | String | &status=pending-shipped | The status of the order. By default, all orders are returned. Possible values for the status are found in Order Data |
created_after | Json Datetime | &created_after=... | Only return orders created in Omnivore after this date |
created_before | Json Datetime | &created_before=... | Only return orders created in Omnivore before this date |
updated_after | Json Datetime | &updated_after=... | Only return orders updated in Omnivore after this date |
updated_before | Json Datetime | &updated_before=... | Only return orders updated in Omnivore after this date |
created_in_marketplace_after | Json Datetime | &created_in_marketplace_after=... | Only return orders created in the marketplace after this date |
created_in_marketplace_before | Json Datetime | &created_in_marketplace_before=... | Only return orders created in the marketplace before this date |
Note: there is usually a short difference from when the order is created in the marketplace and until the order is created in Omnivore. Both timestamps are provided in the API for your convenience.
Json Datetime format
Year as a 4 digit number
Dash (minus) "-"
Month as a 2 digit number
Dash (minus) "-"
Day as a 2 digit string
The upper case character T "T"
Hour in 24 hour format as a 2 digit number
Column ":"
Minute as a 2 digit number
Column ":"
Second as a 2 digit number
Timezone as a 4 digit number prepended by the character plus "+" or minus "-"
All Omnivore servers are running in GMT (UTC, Standard Time) thus the timezone component is always +0000
Note: we don't support the millisecond component of the time.
2nd of January 2019, 1 hour 2 minutes and 3 seconds GMT == 2019-01-02T01:02:03+0000
Example API calls with parameters
Retrieve 10 orders per page starting at page 3:
GET /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/orders/list?max=10&offset=2
Retrieve the first 50 orders that have the status "created" in Omnivore:
GET /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/orders/list?status=created&max=50&offset=0
Retrieve just one order with the number "12345"
GET /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/orders/list?order_number=12345
Retrieve all orders created in Omnivore during the month of Nov 2019. If more than 100, you will need to use pagination as above using max and offset.
GET /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/orders/list?created_after=2019-11-01T00:00:00&created_before=2019-11-30T23:59:59
View Marketplace Order
As a retailer or Marketplace Integrator, retrieve a single order data
Http Method: GET
Endpoint Url: /v2/retailer/$retailerCode/marketplace/$marketplaceCode/order/view?order_number=$orderNumber
Example Request
curl -H "X-OMNIVORE-CLIENT-ID: clientidvalue" -H "X-OMNIVORE-CLIENT-SECRET: clientsecretvalue" ""
Example Response