In summary, the options available for shipping on TheMarket are:
- Set a free shipping threshold e.g Free shipping on products under $100
- Set shipping charges based on weight e.g Products 0-2 Kg charge $10
- Set shipping charges based on set locations in NZ based i.e Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, North Island, South Island
- Set an additional charge for products that are specified as 'Bulky'
How to set up your shipping
- Set up your shipping charges from within TheMarket admin
- The only thing you need to set up in Omnivore is if you want to set up an additional charge for 'Bulky' - see below.
How to set up Bulky
- In TheMarket admin, go to 'Admin - Order Settings'. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see 'Bulky Fee'. Enter the additional charge you want to charge for Bulky Items e.g $15
- In Omnivore, create the Product Group - go to 'Products - Product Groups' to define the products that you would like to have a Bulky Shipping charge applied.
- In Omnivore, go to 'Settings - TheMarket - Shipping' and click 'Add shipping policy'
- Select 'Bulky' and the Product Group you created in Step 2 from the drop downs.
- Go to the Dashboard and click 'Upload to TheMarket'
- To check that the product(s) have the Bulky charge applied you can check in TheMarket admin. Go to 'Products - Products'. Click on the product name to see the full product details. Scroll down to the Product Description section and check that the 'Bulky' check box is ticked.