What You Need To Know

Individual Variation products show as individual listings because of the way that Trade Me have structured Multi-Variation listings. 

To buyers on Trade Me your Multi-Variation listings will appear to be a single listing, but each product on the Multi-Variation listing has its own listing id and listing within your Trade Me account. e.g. if your Multi-Variation listing has 6 variations then 6 listings will be created, one for each variation. 

The listing displayed depends on the buyers selection and the buyer will appear to seamlessly stay on the Multi-Variation listing with each selection.

Changing single variant to multi variant and vice versa

Unfortunately changing products from single variant to multi-variant or vice versa on Trade Runner is not possible.

Also note:

  1. You cannot add variations/options if the product is listed already
  2. You cannot rename variations/options if the product is listed already

In any of the cases above, the existing listing needs to be terminated, deleted from our database and the product re-listed as a new product.  It will need to be purged by Trade Me too.

You will need to submit a ticket to have the item deleted, when doing so please include the SKU and the exact Product Name.