The Seller Identity Verification process helps Amazon create a secure experience for customers and sellers.
The review process can take up to three business days from the time Amazon receive your documents. Amazon will email you the result.
Note: You can add listings during the review period, but they won't be available to view or sell on Amazon. Your listings will become available after your account is verified.
To submit your documents:
- Go to the Seller Identity Verification page.
- Select your country.
Note: Document requirements might change based on your country. - Upload your documents.
- Amazon accept JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, and Word documents. Do not include special characters in the file name (Examples: $, &, #).
- Amazon support documents in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. If your documents are in another language, you can submit notarized translations in a supported language.
- Provide your contact information.
- Click Submit.
Document rejection
Amazon will reject documents when they can't verify them or when they don't meet the criteria. Amazon's decision to approve or reject a document is final and cannot be appealed.
To avoid having your documents rejected make sure
- The name on your documents matches the information in your seller account.
- The address listed on your documents matches the address in your seller account.
- The documents are not expired.