
This FAQ will walk you through how to change the price of products on TradeMe using the promotions feature.

Change the price of Products on Trade Me using Promotions

  1. From the left-hand nav, select Promotions – Create new promotion - Add a promotion.
  2. Timings.  If you want the promotion to start immediately, leave the Start date empty.  If you want the promotion to apply indefinitely leave the End date empty.  Otherwise, enter the dates you want the promotion to be applied.
  3. Apply a discount. To apply a price discount you can change the price.
    • by a % (e.g decrease all prices by 10%), 
    • by a dollar discount (e.g decrease all prices by $10) 
    • or set all prices to one price by using Fixed dollar amount (e.g all products could be set for one price of $15)
  4. Increase the price. You can also use this to increase the price of your products on Trade Me, simply put a – (negative) before the number, eg to add 10% to all prices put -10 in the percentage field.
  5. Activating the promotion.  Once you have created the promotion, go to ‘All Promotions’ and click ‘Apply Active Promotions’ – this will push the changes through to Trade Me.

Screen capture shows 3 potential examples to add $10 or add 10% or set a fixed price of $10 depending on which ONE you want. You would only use one price adjustment option.

In the 'Products - Trade Me - Manage' section you will be able to see what the the price will be on Trade Me when a promotion has been applied.

Apply the Promotion to a Specific Product(s)

If you want to apply the promotion to all products tick the box or if you only want to apply it to specific Group Of Products enter the SKU of the products the promotion applies to.  You can do this by creating a Product Group.


In the Product Group Use the SKU from Trade Runner as this is the unique identifier of products. 

You can find it by going to 'Products - Trade Me - Manage Listings' 


Or click through to the full information on the product page:

Important Points to Note

  • Using this feature will not change the prices on your eCommerce store.
  • You cannot apply multiple promotions to the same sku.
  • If the promotion ends within the 7 day Trade Me listing cycle and the product sells, the price will not change until the product relists at the end of the 7 days.  This is a Trade Me limitation.
  • If your RRP is greater than the Sale Price, you MUST tick "If a product is already on sale would you like to include it in this promotion?" otherwise the promotion price will not be applied.
  • For product groups -

Calculation for NZ Marketplaces

There is a specific calculation method we use when we have to convert from AUD to NZD or vice versa, please see example below.  Note, all of this is happening in the background and is therefore an FYI only.


  1. Price is AUD $35.95
  2. Take off the AU GST of $3.27 to get AUD$32.68
  3. Apply (NZ Exchange) to AU$32.68 to give you NZD$34.96.  This example used and exchange rate of $1.07.  The exchange rates we use changes daily and can be found in Omnivore under Settings - Currencies - Standard Exchange Rates
  4. Add GST of 15% of $34.96 = NZD $40.20 (*please see note below)
  5. Apply the promotion (eg 5%) to NZD$40.20 that would change the price to NZD$38.19
  6. Price on the NZ Marketplace would be NZD$38.19.

* For Trade Me sellers who have this setting ticked on Settings - Trade Me General, we don't add the tax back on.  It will be applied by Trade Me when the listing goes live.

Please also allow slight price variations that may be a few cents here and there, this can happen between us and the marketplaces when currency conversions are applied.


  1. GST is removed from the price.
  2. The ex GST price is converted using the Omnivore exchange rate.
  3. The relevant GST is added back on. (Depends on the Omnivore tax settings as mentioned above)
  4. Any promotion amounts are added or removed.