
The Trade Runner Shopify App will be decomissioned on the 1st of August.

You can continue selling on Trade Me using Omnivore. Omnivore is an app provided by City Beach Software, the developers of Trade Runner and works in the same way as the Trade Runner app with all the same features so you don’t need to learn another app. 

We have created an automated way to migrate all your Trade Runner settings such as shipping, category mappings, pricing promotions, etc to make the process easier.

What happens and when

  1. You install the Omnivore app from the Shopify app store - this takes about 2-3 minutes
  2. The Omnivore support team will migrate your Trade Runner account to Omnivore - this will take between 2-3 business days. During this time, don't make any changes in Trade Runner or Omnivore.
  3. The Omnivore support team will email you to let you know to start using Omnivore 
  4. You start using Omnivore 

Get started NOW: Go to the Shopify App store and install the Omnivore app

Video Instructions


Step by Step Instructions

  1. Go to the Shopify App store and install the Omnivore app  - click Add app then Install app
  2. You need to approve the charges to continue however if you don’t pay for Trade Runner now, you won’t be charged in future 
  3. Choose the Trade Me marketplace 
  4. Omnivore will detect that you already have the Trade Runner app installed and will ask if you would like us to import your existing marketplace(s). Click YES!
  5. Continue through to the Dashboard, you’ve done your part.

Things to Remember 


-    Please leave the Trade Runner app INSTALLED on Shopify – we will notify you when it’s ok to uninstall it.

-    Do NOT make any changes in Trade Runner or Omnivore while we migrate your account.

After you have installed Omnivore

After you have installed Omnivore, we will migrate your Trade Runner  account to Omnivore - This may take 2-3 days

  1. Trade Runner will continue working until we migrate your account. 
  2. Your new Omnivore account will sync with Shopify and import all your products (this can take 10 minutes or 10 hours depending on the number of products you have).
  3. An Omnivore support specialist will review your new Omnivore account and make sure everything has worked as expected.
  4. We will click a magic button and your migration will be complete.

Managing Orders 

  1. Continue fulfilling orders and marking them as shipped in Shopify as you do now 
  2. any EXISTING orders in Trade Runner will be marked as shipped
  3. After we migrate your account, NEW orders will be sent to Shopify via Omnivore 

Managing Products 

  1. Trade Runner will continue to update your products until we migrate your account 
  2. After we have migrated your account, Trade Runner will stop syncing products
  3. Omnivore will start syncing Shopify and Trade Me

We will email you to let you know that you should start using Omnivore.