
This FAQ will walk you through how to add to your product descriptions on Trade Me. 

Adding Additional Text to the Description of the Product

Here is how to add additional content to the product description of every listing on Trade Me:

  1.  Go to 'Settings - Trade Me - General' then scroll down to the field 'Product description template'

  2. Enter $detailed_description (this includes your standard product description data) then start a new line by hitting enter twice then the text you want to appear e.g This item is sold by <Insert your store name>, an offshore business located in <your location>, and may incur NZ customs duty or tax. Find out more at 
    for example
  3. Click 'Update settings' , the button looks like this
  4. Go to the Omnivore 'Dashboard' and click 'Upload to Trade Me' to update your listings.

If you are a seller based in a country other than NZ, you need to add the following information to each listing:

  • This item is sold by <your store name>, an offshore business located in <your location>, and may incur NZ customs duty or tax. Find out more at - especially if you are an overseas retailer selling into NZ.
  • Estimated delivery time frame is 6-10 working days. Add the estimated delivery time frame so that the buyer knows when it will arrive.

NOTE: There is a character limit on product descriptions so if your description is longer than 2000 characters the description will be automatically truncated so the product lists. If your descriptions are being truncated, please add the disclaimer about offshore products first then enter $detailed_description to insert your product description. 

Removing or Changing Text from Product Descriptions

Sometimes, you may need to add or remove certain text from all your product descriptions, before listing them on TradeMe

For example, you may wish to remove a promotional message from your product descriptions as it is specific only to your own eCommerce store. 

Alternatively, you may want to append some extra promotional text specific just to your TradeMe store.

Our system allows you to do this by creating a "Description template".

Create a Description template for ALL products

To create a description template for all your products, use the left hand menu to select  "Settings --> Feeds":


By default, the description template is blank so that the standard product description from your eCommerce store is used. 


To ADD text or product data to your product descriptions

If you wish to add additional text to your TradeMe product descriptions, you just need to enter it into the "Description template" field as shown below and click the update button: 


You can also use any of the following product data attributes to enhance your product descriptions for TradeMe:

  • $sku – this is the SKU of your product.
  • $brandName – this is the brand name (if you have assigned one).
  • $retailerName – your store name.
  • $colours – if the product comes in different colours, the list of the colours as you described them, e.g. Coral, Midnight, Gunmetal
  • $standardColours - similar to $colours except the colour names are as mapped to the standard colour names, e.g. Pink, Black, Grey for the above example
  • $productName – the original title of a product.
  • $shortDescription - the short description of the product if provided.
  • $detailedDescription – the long description of the product if provided.
  • $amount – the products selling price e.g $89.95
  • $rrp - product's RRP price
  • $category - the category assigned to a product in the retailer feed/system.


  • By default, any additional text or product data you enter here will be appended to the end of your existing product description.
  • If you wish to change where it appears, you can reference the existing product description and any new text/product data like so:
    Below changes the description to have
    10% off all TradeMe orders .......
    Your current description
    Name: Product Name
    SKU: 12345

To REMOVE text from your product descriptions

You can also remove text from your product descriptions, if there is something you don't want to appear or wording that cannnot be displayed on TradeMe, do the following.

To remove text from every product description, enclose the text to be removed in -##[text]##-


to remove the text "Ready for Spring!" from every product description, enter the following (Remember to add $detailedDescription so that the Description Template knows what to remove the text from:)

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Product attributes are case sensitive, so always enter them exactly as above (e.g  $detailedDescription  $brandName or $sku).

To remove a sentence which may not be relevant to selling on Trade Me e.g Next Day Delivery add -##Next Day Delivery##- to the description template. This will remove 'Next Day Delivery' from all Product Descriptions.

eg  $detailedDescription -##Next Day Delivery##- 

To replace/add keywords use -## | ##-. For example, to replace "Next Day Delivery" with "Ships in 5 days" add the following to the description template:  -##Next Day Delivery|Ships in 5 days##-  (note the | to split the two):

eg  $detailedDescription -##Next Day Delivery|Ships in 5 days##-

To push these changes to the Marketplace listings you have to go to your Dashboard and click the Upload to TradeMe button so that your listings can received the new description information.