Omnivore is the 'Parent' platform that Trade Runner, eBay LINK and CatchFeeder are based on. Omnivore has greater functionality and supports all the marketplaces we have to offer.

If you want to sell on more than one marketplace you will need to use Omnivore.

  • One app with a single view of all marketplaces that you sell on.
  • Omnivore supports multiple marketplaces such as Catch, eBay AU, Amazon AU, Kogan, My Deal, Trade Me, TheMarket and Google Product Feed, Facebook/Instagram. You have access to all new marketplaces as and when they launch, see our complete list of all marketplaces we support. 
  • Inventory is synced across all marketplaces more quickly, resulting in less chance of overselling
  • Additional features on Omnivore that are not available on the other apps, particularly if you're selling on eBay

Please note: Separate integrations are inefficient and have been causing technical issues and confusion not just for our customers but also our team who provide support as the integrations are spread over multiple websites and databases. As a result, you will need to use Omnivore if you want to sell on multiple marketplaces.

Existing Customers on Trade Runner, eBay LINK and CatchFeeder can Upgrade to Omnivore without setting up again.

If you are already set up with one of these apps, we are able to upgrade your existing app/account to Omnivore so you don't need to install a new app or re-integrate. The existing marketplace you have set up remains in place and you can then add the additional marketplaces you want to sell on. 

Contact us to upgrade to Omnivore and we can help you do this.

To get started: