In summary, the options available for shipping on TheMarket are:

  • Set a free shipping threshold e.g Free shipping on products under $100
  • Set shipping charges based on weight e.g Products 0-2 Kg charge $10
  • Set shipping charges based on set locations in NZ based i.e Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, North Island, South Island
  • Set an additional charge for products that are specified as 'Bulky' 

How to set up your shipping

  • Set up your shipping charges from within TheMarket admin
  • The only thing you need to set up in Omnivore is if you want to set up an additional charge for 'Bulky' - see below.

How to set up Bulky

  1. In TheMarket admin, go to 'Admin - Order Settings'. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see 'Bulky Fee'. Enter the additional charge you want to charge for Bulky Items e.g $15 
  2. In Omnivore, create the Product Group - go to 'Products - Product Groups' to define the products that you would like to have a Bulky Shipping charge applied.
  3. In Omnivore, go to 'Settings - TheMarket - Shipping' and click 'Add shipping policy'
  4. Select 'Bulky' and the Product Group you created in Step 2 from the drop downs.
  5. Go to the Dashboard and click 'Upload to TheMarket'
  6. To check that the product(s) have the Bulky charge applied you can check in TheMarket admin. Go to 'Products - Products'. Click on the product name to see the full product details. Scroll down to the Product Description section and check that the 'Bulky' check box is ticked.